Thursday, December 27, 2012

Foods To Eat To Lose Belly Fat

Alright this should be easy, I just sat down with my deep fried burrito, 64 oz coke and my strawberry cheese cake. I am going to explain to you in this article of what foods to eat to lose belly fat. So let’s get started!

I love deep fried burritos, coca cola and strawberry cheese cake. You can eat the foods you love and still lose weight. I know I am getting a bit over promising so let me clarify. You can eat these foods, but it has to me at the right time and in moderation and most certainly not on a daily bases.

Your body no matter what form it has taken on right now, 100 lbs over weight or 10 pounds overweight. You need to learn what foods to eat to lose belly fat. So let’s just use common sense, there is no secret out there but there is a science to eating the right foods.

Foods to eat to lose belly fat

1. Obviously fruits and vegetables.
However, we hear this alot "eat your fruits and vegetables" but we are not told that if you eat them with certain other foods that it can cause you to gain weight. Also there are certain fruits and vegetables that will without a doubt make you fat. Let me give you an example: I love potatoes and they are a vegetable but yep you guessed it they are loaded with calories that will scare the heck out of you. So the solution is to go for a sweet potato they have the right amount of good calories that will help you lose belly fat.

2. Protein

This is a challenge for a lot of people because they believe that they have to eat so much meat. The fact is that there is so much protein in other foods other than meat. However, Meat is a great source of protein and can help you lose belly fat. The challenge is to not eat too much protein and also to not make the mistake of eating the wrong protein. Protein is an important food to eat to lose belly fat because it will cause your body to burn fat.

3. Water

This one is simple and should be obvious. Our bodies are made up of so much water and we know that we need a lot of water. Water will flush your body of damaged cells, waste that your body needs to get rid of and fat. The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day. This will be sufficient to flush you. The challenge is that if you have not been accustomed to drinking that much water it can be uncomfortable the first week always having to use the restroom. But speaking from experience you get use to it. Water in my opinion is the most important element of foods to eat to lose belly fat. I know it is not a food but you know what I mean.

4. Do not eat White flour or sugar

Yes, if you want to learn what foods to eat to lose belly fat then you need to add this to the list of what not to eat. White flour and sugar will damage your objective to lose belly fat faster than you can say "Yippee-ki-yea". Do not do it! But you said earlier that I could eat whatever I wanted? Yes I did, so here is how you can eat what you want. Once a week for one hour you can eat whatever you want but for the other 167 hours of the week you must follow the above advice. Eating whatever you want for one hour a week at one time keep in mind not 5 minutes on Tuesday and 15 Minutes on Thursday etc, you get a one hour time frame to eat what you want and it will not affect you on losing that belly fat if, you follow the other rules. The right foods to eat to lose belly fat is the key to weight loss success.

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