Thursday, December 27, 2012

Weight Loss That Actually Works

Loosing weight can be a struggle for many. One of the best weight loss plans I have experienced is Low Carb. It does take a lot of strong will power but has amazing results.

What is a Low Carb diet?

When you are on a low carb diet the first thing you are going to do is limit yourself to 20 carbohydrates a day for the first two weeks and also no sugar. Carbohydrates actually help store fat. So if you eat a donut basically that is all going to be stored as fat. Not good and not healthy. Some may need to do limit themselves to 20 carbohydrates for an additional week if they don't seem to be loosing any weight. Many diabetics are on a low carb diet simply because it cuts out the carbs and sugars. But remember if you only loose 2-5 pounds in the first two weeks this is an accomplishment. Some may loose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. It all depends on your body and metabolism. Always consult a doctor first if you have any health issues or are on any meds.

What can you eat?

I'm not going to lie. The first two weeks are going to be hard and you will want to eat a donut. But you must not eat sugars and you must stay in the 20 carbohydrate a day range to feel better and see results.

You can eat all meats. If you buy processed meats (meaning lunch meats etc. look at the carb count. They may have sugars in them. Fresh meat is your best choice.
You can eat all fish.
You can eat all poultry.
You can eat all seafood.
You can eat all eggs.

You can eat most cheeses. (always check carbohydrate info on packages. some have sugar in them.)

Most vegetables, Salads (no crutons, you can have dressing but look at the nutritional info), water, diet soda,sugar free coolaid, coffee, basicly any drink that doesn't have carbs or sugars. Many recommend to stay away from caffeine but I drink it.

Sounds boring but you will be surprised what kind of recipes you will come up with.

Fruit after your two weeks.

How will I feel?

At first you will be having all sorts of cravings. This will pass and after the two weeks are over you won't miss the donut. Some experience being tired which is normal because your body is going through changes. Some will have lots of energy. Some may experience both. One day you may be tired the next full of energy. Also expect a carb crash this is very normal. This is when you just feel exhausted or a little shaky. Just add a few more carbs. This is your body more less telling you the bad stuff is going away just give me time to adjust. Then you will start feeling lighter, not bloated, energy, good nights sleep with normal sleeping patterns, your mood will even change because you are starting to loose weight and feel good about yourself.

Do I need to excercise?

Sure, it is recommended that you excercise on any diet or even if you are not on a diet. It is healthy and you will start to see changes in your body faster. You may start loosing inches first and not weight. Don't always go by the scale. Measure yourself in the beginning.

Well, now what?

Low carb is the way.

Well now its time to change the way you feel and look. Getting started right away and don't put it off. Just think in two weeks you could go down a dress or pants size. And you will feel great!!

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